The 2020 CRNCH Summit hosted over 75 external and Georgia Tech researchers to discuss topics in post-Moore computing. Please see the preview article and slides and poster PDFs from the event below.
CRNCH Summit Agenda – January 31st, 2020
8:00 Registration – Continental Breakfast
8:30 Welcome – Opening Remarks
Tom Conte, Vivek Sarkar, Co-Directors, CRNCH Center
Gregory Abowd, Associate Dean for Research, College of Computing
8:45 IDEaS and CRNCH Computing Resources:
Srinivas Aluru, Executive Director, IDEaS; interim chair CSE
Jason Riedy, Jeff Young, Senior Research Scientists, Co-directors for the Rogues Gallery
“Rogues Gallery Updates and Enabled Research”
9:15 Keynote Speaker:
David Mountain, Senior Technical Director, Advanced Computing Systems Research Program
“Where are all my Computer Architects?”
9:45-10:15 Break – Poster Session
10:15 David Womble, AI Institute Director, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
“An update on DOE’s ML for Science and scalable AI at ORNL”
10:45 Igor Alvarado, Academic Business Development Manager, National Instruments
11:15 Ada Gavrilovska, Associate Professor, School of Computer Science
“Systems Software for the New Edge of the Network”
11:45-12:45 Lunch & Student Poster Session
12:45 Keynote Speaker:
Peter Kogge, McCourtney Professor of CS&E at Notre Dame
“HogWild on Steroids: SGD via Migrating Threads”
1:15 Arijit Raychowdhury, Professor, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
“Dynamic Computing Systems and Their Properties”
1:45 Brian Konigsburg, System Architect, Northrop Grumman
“The Front Lines of Superconducting Architecture”
2:15-2:30 Break
2:30 Craig Clark, Senior Research Scientist, GTRI Quantum Systems Division
“Trapped Ion Quantum Computing at Georgia Tech Research Institute”
3:00 Hyesoon Kim, Associate Professor, School of Computer Science
“Modeling of Heterogeneous Computing Systems”
3:30 Dana Randall, ADVANCE Professor of Computing, School of Computer Science
“Formal Foundations of Algorithmic Matter and Emergent Computation”
4:00 Moin Qureshi, Professor, School of Electrical Computer and Engineering
“Tolerating Crummy Hardware with Intelligent Software: Making Progress in the NISQ-Era”
4:30 Closing Remarks
CRNCH Student Poster Session